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Accessibility statement

Bologna Airport website was designed and realised in compliance with the checklist provided for by the Stanca Law (L. 04/2004) art.11 and the guidelines WCAG 2.0 - for 'aa standard' accessibility.

The technical accessibility standards and relative checklist for the compliance check have been created on the basis of Principles, Guidelines and Success criteria outlined in the Recommendation that the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) published on 11 December 2008 and which contains the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0).

The four main common founding principles of the WCAG 2.0 and of the present document are the following:

  • Perceivable - Information and user interface components must be presented to users in ways they can be perceived through the different sensory channels.
  • Operable - User interface components and navigation must be operable without any unreasonable inconvenience or restriction for the user.
  • Understandable - Users must be able to understand the operation modes of the user interface and the actions contained in it necessary to obtain services and information.
  • Robust - Content must be robust enough that it can be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies.

Technical accessibility standards

  1. Textual alternatives: Providing text alternatives for any non-textual content in a way that such content can be turned into a usable shape according to the user's need, like a printout with larger characters, Braille font, vocal sum-ups, symbols or other ways of representations of the content.
  2. Audio contents, video contents, animations: Providing textual alternatives corresponding to the information conveyed through audio, video and animated formats (animations), or multisensorial animations in general.
  3. Adaptable: Creating contents which can be represented in different modes (for example, with simpler layouts), without losing any information or their structure.
  4. Distinguishable: Making it easier for users to view and understand the contents, separating the foreground contents from the background.
  5. Keyboard accessible: Making the whole navigation available even though the keyboard.
  6. Adequate time availability: Providing the user enough time to read and make use of the contents.
  7. Epileptic seizures: Not developing contents that may cause epileptic seizures.
  8. Navigable: Providing the user with the support functionality to surf, find content and identify one's position in the website and the pages.
  9. Readable: Making the textual content readable and comprehensible.
  10. Predictable: Creating web pages which appear and behave in a predictable way.
  11. Assistance in filling in data and information: Helping the user to avoid making mistakes and assist in correcting them.
  12. Compatible: Guaranteeing the highest compatibility with the user's programmes and the assistive technolgies.

Checks modalities


The compliance checks of the technical requirements must be carried out with the checklist according to each requirement, pursuant to the same updated regulations.

The website was certified for most of the current browsers. Furthermore, for the automatic accessibility texts we constantly use online evolved tools which allow us to precisely and correctly maintain the website over time.


As well as guaranteeing technical quality standards, we perform constant quality-oriented activities. In cooperation with the Unione Italiana Ciechi di Brescia (Italian Blind people Association from Brescia) and our planning and website development partners, we carry out one or more sessions with visually impaired and blind people over the year.


Despite the attention paid while creating the website and the numerous tests performed, we are aware that it is not possible to completely rule out the possibility that some pages remain, without our knowledge, still inaccessible to some categories of users.

In such case, we apologise in advance and suggest you make reports about problems or difficulties in order to allow us to stop such inconvenience at once.

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