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Reach Pantelleria from Bologna

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Airports served from Bologna

Pantelleria PNL

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Bologna Pantelleria flights

Bologna Airport offers direct flights from/to Pantelleria. On this page you will find all the information needed.


The island, volcanic in origin, represents the last strip of Italy, nestled between the Sicilian and the African coasts. A greatly attended destination, yet it has been capable of preserving its natural beauties and features intact.

The main mountain crater, surrounded by 24 cones, the brackish water pits and the hot springs all confirm the territory’s volcanic origins.

The coasts are crimp-edged and spotted by beautiful small bays and beaches, while the ‘dammusi’, typical cube-shaped stone dwellings, recall Africa.
The simplest instances are dry-laid lava stone buildings. Today, many tourist resorts have imitated such peculiarities, integrating them with every comfort.

In the inside of the island, it is recommended to see the lakeSpecchio di Venere’, Sataria’s cave, legendary house of Calypso and the ‘bagnu asciuttu’, a kind of natural sauna dug in the rock.
In Mursia it is possible to visit the ruins of the Neolithic village and the necropolis on which 50 ‘sesi’ arise, dome-shaped stone mounds.

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