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Bologna Helsinki flights

Bologna Airport offers direct flights from/to Helsinki. On this page you will find all the information needed.


The capital city of Finland rises in the south of the country on a peninsula of the Gulf of Finland. It is a fascinating tourist destination in the north of Europe and stands as a starting point to visit uncontaminated lakes and woods.

Starting from Helsinki, one of the interesting spots is certainly the ‘Rock Church’, a Lutheran church entirely dug inside of a rock structure, also used as auditorium thanks to its outstanding acoustics. You need pay a visit to the Parliament building, a perfect blend of Neoclassical and modernity where it is also possible, on certain days, to sit a plenary session.

For nature lovers, the boast of the city is its botanical garden which houses as many as 900 species of indoor and outdoor plants in fairy-tale like greenhouses. Real glass palaces.
If you’re a foodie don’t forget to visit one of the most popular markets in the city: the Kuappatori, outdoors, and the Old Market Hall, indoors. In these markets you can taste really fresh fish: what stands out here is obviously the salmon! Plenty of fish but also game, especially reindeer and bear are the foundation of many Finnish dishes. Sausages, butter, eggs, jams, berries and rye flour are also widely used.

From the market square you can sail on a ferry boat that will take you to Suomenlinna, a series of little isles connected by bridges, fortified at the end of the XVIII century. Among the UNESCO world heritage, the site will give you the chance to dive into the former military structure and its museum.

But Helsinki also offers an opportunity to launch on a visit of an enormous land sprinkled with see-through lakes (about 200 thousand of them) and lush woods, where man has learnt to peacefully live in nature.
And in order to wholly dive into the culture of this corner of the world, you can’t possibly miss out on a sauna experience, which is possible basically everywhere, even in the Parliament. Rumours have it that all the most important decisions are made inside a sauna.

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