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Reach Lampedusa from Bologna

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Airports served from Bologna

Lampedusa LMP

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Bologna Lampedusa flights

Bologna Airport offers direct flights from/to flights. On this page you will find all the information needed.


Island belonging to the Sicilian archipelago of the Pelagie Islands, it is characterized by a Mediterranean climate and a tourism dedicated to the naturalistic coastal beauties. One of them, unmissable, is the Spiaggia dei Conigli (Rabbits’ Beach).
Right the Rabbits’ Beach, in the South-West of the island, is among the most beautiful ones in the world with its pearl white, super fine sand.
Today, it is one of the few Mediterranean sites where the loggerhead sea turtles still spawn in springtime. The hatching takes place at the end of August.

Among the unforgettable beaches: Cala Pulcino, the most western of the strands, accessible via sea or land through a path that leaves from the Rabbits’ beach. Cala Pisana and Cala Creta, steep cliffs hanging over the sea, wetted by emerald-waters and fully equipped for tourists.
Cala Madonna and Cala Greca, two twin bays consisting of a very long and narrow creek each, leading to a small, well protected beach. Near them it is possible to view the Sanctuary of Mary S.S. of Porto Salvo.

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