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Reach Zaragoza from Bologna

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Airports served from Bologna

Zaragoza ZAZ

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Bologna Zaragoza flights

Bologna Airport offers direct flights from/to Zaragoza. On this page you will find all the information needed.


Founded by the Romans, occupied by the Visigoths and conquered by the Arabs before becoming the capital of the Kingdom of Aragon, Zaragoza is now a magnificent modern city not oblivious to its past.
Among the most relevant monuments you find the Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, one of the most popular Catholic shrines in Spain and still a destination for pilgrimages from all over the country, and the Cathedral of the most Holy Saviour, commonly known as 'la Seo', which blends together very different architectural styles, including gothic, Renaissance and Mudejar. The two churches face each other right in the core of the city in the Plaza del Pilar, one of the largest pedestrian squares in Spain, surrounded by cafés and elegant historical buildings.

Another breathtaking spot is the Aljaferia Castle, built in the 9th century during the Arab period with fortified walls and towers. Today it hosts the Aragonese Parliament.

The city is crossed by the River Ebro, whose central banks are joined by the historic Puente de Piedra, otherwise known as Bridge of Lions: the combination of river, bridge and domes from the Basilica gives life to the traditional panoramic picture of the city.

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