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Corporate Governance

  • President: Enrico Postacchini
  • Members: Silvia Giannini, Giada Grandi, Laura Pascotto, Eugenio Sidoli, Marco Troncone, Nazareno Ventola, Valerio Veronesi, Giovanni Cavallaro.

Our Board of Directors must be comprised of nine members. The current members of our Board of Directors were elected at the ordinary shareholders’ meeting held on April 29, 2019, and have taken their office upon the Listing Date and are expected to remain in office until the ordinary shareholders’ meeting held to approve our financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2021.

Enrico Postacchini

  • Appointed as: President
  • The appointment has been approved by the Shareholders' Committee on the 29th of April, 2019 – the mandate has the validity of three year and it ends at the approval of the Financial Statements of fiscal year 2021
  • Effective date of the appointment: April, 29 2019
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Non-executive Director

Silvia Giannini

  • Appointed as: Board Member
  • The appointment has been approved by the Shareholders' Committee on the 29th of April, 2019 – the mandate has the validity of three year and it ends at the approval of the Financial Statements of fiscal year 2021
  • Effective date of the appointment: April, 29 2019
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Independent and non-executive Director

Giada Grandi

  • Appointed as: Board Member
  • The appointment has been approved by the Shareholders' Committee on the 29th of April, 2019 – the mandate has the validity of three year and it ends at the approval of the Financial Statements of fiscal year 2021
  • Effective date of the appointment: April, 29 2019
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Non-executive Director

Laura Pascotto

  • Appointed as: Board Member
  • The appointment has been approved by the Shareholders' Committee on the 29th of April, 2019 – the mandate has the validity of three year and it ends at the approval of the Financial Statements of fiscal year 2021
  • Effective date of the appointment: April, 29 2019
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Independent and non-executive Director

Eugenio Sidoli

  • Appointed as: Board Member
  • The appointment has been approved by the Shareholders' Committee on the 29th of April, 2019 – the mandate has the validity of three year and it ends at the approval of the Financial Statements of fiscal year 2021
  • Effective date of the appointment: April, 29 2019
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Independent and non-executive Director

Marco Troncone

  • Appointed as: Board Member
  • The appointment has been approved by the Shareholders' Committee on the 29th of April, 2019 – the mandate ends at the approval of the Financial Statements of fiscal year 2021
  • Effective date of the appointment: April, 29 2019
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Independent only as per art. 148 TUF and non-executive Director

Nazareno Ventola

  • Appointed as: Board Member
  • The appointment has been approved by the Shareholders' Committee on the 29th of April, 2019 – the mandate ends at the approval of the Financial Statements of fiscal year 2021
  • Effective date of the appointment: April, 29 2019
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Executive Director

Valerio Veronesi

  • Appointed as: Board Member
  • The appointment has been approved by the Shareholders' Committee on the 29th of April, 2019 – the mandate has the validity of three year and it ends at the approval of the Financial Statements of fiscal year 2021
  • Effective date of the appointment: April, 29 2019
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Non-executive Director

Giovanni Cavallaro

  • Appointed as: Board Member
  • The co-optation appointment has been approved by the Board of Directors on 12th October, 2020 - the mandate has validity till the approval of the Financial Statements of fiscal year 2020
  • Effective date of the appointment: October, 12 2020
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Independent and non-executive Director

On April 29, 2019 the General Meeting elected the Board of Auditors. The Board of Auditors has a three-year term. They have taken their office upon the Listing Date and are expected to remain in office until the ordinary shareholders’ meeting held to approve our financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2021.

Compensation Committee

The compensation committee is a consulting and advisory body with the principal task of submitting recommendations to the Board of Directors on the compensation policy applicable to directors and senior executives. In accordance with the Corporate Governance Code, the compensation committee will (i) assess and submit proposals to the Board of Directors on the appropriateness, overall consistency and implementation of compensation policy in relation to the compensation of directors and management personnel with strategic responsibilities; (ii) submit proposals or express opinions to the Board of Directors regarding the compensation of executive directors and other directors holding special offices, as well as setting performance objectives linked to the variable component of such compensation; and (iii) monitor the implementation of decisions taken by the Board of Directors in relation to achievement of performance targets.

The compensation committee shall be composed of three non-executive and independent members. Our Board of Directors shall verify that all of the members of the compensation committee have adequate experience in financial matters and compensation policies matters upon their appointment.

President of the Commitee: Eugenio Sidoli

Commitee members: Giada Grandi, Laura Pascotto

Control and Risk and Sustainability Committee

The Control and Risks Committee has consultative and proposal functions, with, according to Article 6, recommendation 35 of the new Corporate Governance Code, the duty to support, through appropriate investigative activity, the assessments and decisions of the Board of Directors regarding the internal control and risk management system, in addition to the relative approval of the periodic financial reports and the management of risks from prejudicial events of which the Board has become aware.

In accordance with Article 3, recommendation 17 of the new Corporate Governance Code, for the purposes of exercising its obligations, the Control and Risk Committee shall be granted access to all necessary information and organizational functions.

The members of the Control and Risks Committee are the Non-Executive and Independent Directors Laura Pascotto, Marco Troncone and Silvia Giannini, the latter as Chairperson of the Committee.

On March 15, 2021 with a decision of the Board of Directors, the existing Committee was charged of further tasks focused on sustainability, appointing it Control and Risks and Sustainability Committee.

The appointed Auditing Firm for the statutory audit of the accounts is E&Y S.p.A., with legal offices in Rome, Via Po 32, authorised and regulated by the Ministry for the Economy and the Finance and enrolled in the Auditors Register under such Ministry.

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