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Previous years results

Maximise financial performance Maximise financial performance

After years of uninterrupted growth and with 2019 representing a record year for the Group’s growth in terms of traffic and economic results, following the outbreak of the pandemic at the beginning of the year, 2020 turned out to be a "hannus horribilis" not only in the history of Bologna Airport, but also for the entire industry and worldwide.

In 2020 traffic data (-73.4% compared to 2019) brought the airport back to 1997 traffic levels, resulting in a sharp decline in revenues compared to the previous year (-57.6 million €) and reporting a negative EBITDA of € -3.9 million, € 48.9 million lower than 2019 net result.

Performing corporation Performing and sustainable corporation

In order to contain the negative effects of the traffic drop caused by the pandemic crisis on profitability, the Group promptly put in place a cost containment plan, mainly through the renegotiation of contracts with suppliers, the closure of some operational areas to achieve savings in utilities and services costs, the elimination or postponement of non-strategic activities.


In 2020, about 2.5 million passengers have travelled through Bologna Airport, a strong decrease of 73.4% compared to 2019. The massive loss in traffic is linked to the impacts of the outbreak and the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic since early 2020, as well as to the consequent emergency restrictions to people free movement globally imposed by governments, which have deeply affected the aviation sector worldwide.

The strict restrictions on cross-borders movements, as well as the climate of uncertainty in terms of constraints and obligations introduced to free movement for the protection of health, caused a significant drop in international traffic (-77.2% compared to 2019), greater than the decrease suffered by domestic traffic (-59.0% compared to 2019). The crisis triggered by the pandemic has substantially affected all traffic components; however, the LCC segment during 2020 Summer, with the partial reopening of borders, showed a faster recovery compared to legacy carriers.

In line with passenger traffic numbers, both the number of air transport movements and the take-off weight have also consistently dropped (respectively by -60.9% and by -59.9%). The average load factor decreased from 81.5% in 2019 to 60.5% in 2020.


The negative impact on air traffic trends caused by the Covid-19 pandemic could also lead the Group, in agreement with Enac, to develop the investment plan according to new priorities and executive phases, in order to consistently meet the new traffic requirements and allow for adequate remuneration of the investments and their full financial sustainability.

Despite the difficult scenario, in 2020 the Group successfully fulfilled its commitments realizing a total of 29 million euros investments (17.4 million in 2019) in addition to 4.3 million euros for the renewal of the airport infrastructures (2 million in 2019). These investments included the structural and functional maintenance works on a section of the runway in September: to take advantage of the low traffic period the Group decided to carry out the maintenance works planned for both 2020 and 2022 together, closing the airport for 10 days rather than 5, as originally planned.

After the “Conferenza dei Servizi” on the urban planning compliance of the 2016-2030 Airport Development Plan was concluded with a favourable opinion in January 2020, great efforts were made during the whole year in continuing the procedures necessary for the final approval of the Masterplan to 2030.

However, similarly to aeronautical revenues, non-aeronautical revenues suffered a strong reduction (-65.2% compared to 2019) in all the components due to the drop in traffic, the closures of shops and the reduction in fees granted to sub-concessionaires to support them in the emergency phase.


The Group pays particular attention to the continuous improvement of the quality of the services offered to passengers, also and above all in a pandemic context.

Confirming the Group's commitment to adopt measures aimed at minimizing the risk of contagion between passengers and workers, Bologna Airport has been the first airport in Italy and among the first in the world to receive the Airport Health Accreditation from ACI World.

The Group also continues to take surveys on the quality of standard services and on ASQ program indicators, in order to monitor passenger flows and operational processes that have undergone adjustments and changes after the outbreak of COVID-19 emergency. The Group believes that an accurate monitoring, as well as continuous in-depth analyses of the propensity and expectations of passengers with respect to travel (and in particular to flight) can provide useful information for a prompt and adequate recovery when the health crisis will either be resolved or under control.

Care Care

In 2020, the Group's efforts were aimed in particular at protecting the health of its employees, as well as safeguarding employment levels. During the health emergency, the Bologna Airport also supported its staff by enriching the Welfare Plan; supporting with numerous initiatives family management as well as the reconciliation of private and work life.

In terms of sustainable mobility, the Group has developed a project that provides the airport community with the option of a convenient integrated Home-Work Commuting subscription, including the use of various means and transport services. This is the first "MaaS-Mobility as a service" initiative in Italy at an airport, and was awarded the "IoMobility Award 2020", conceived and organized by Innovability to promote the culture of innovation, sustainability and mobility entrepreneurship in Italy.

Maximise financial performance Maximise financial performance

Consolidated revenues in 2019 amounted to Euro 125.1 mln, increasing by 9.7% compared to 2018, thanks to the positive trend registered by both Aviation (airport charges paid by passengers, airlines and airport operators) and Non-Aviation (retail concessionaires, car parking activities and services to passengers) revenues.

The growth in passengers’ traffic, the positive dynamics started with the introduction of new flights, the activities to support the aviation marginality and the tight operating cost control have contributed to the consolidated net result which amounted to Euro 20.9 mln in 2019 (+16.3% compared to 2018).

Performing corporation Performing corporation

In order to guarantee the ongoing monitoring of the strategy execution, in 2019 Bologna Airport further improved the Corporate Performance Management system developed in 2018. The system is based on indicators defined according to the corporate targets and the related implementation schedule.


In 2019, more than 9.4 million passengers have travelled through Bologna Airport, an increase of 10.6% compared to 2018.

This growth is linked to the increase in traffic of both legacy carriers (+4.9%), thanks to the introduction of new routes and additional flights to some hubs by the main international carriers, and LCC (+14.7%), primarily due to the consolidation of the main carriers.

Both the number of air transport movements and the take-off weight have also grown (respectively by +7.9% and by +8.4%). The average load factor was equal to 81.5% in 2019, slightly higher than the 81.3% registered in 2018.


In 2019, 19.4 million Euro worth of investments in maintenance and infrastructure development have been realised. In particular, the final design activities for some major strategic investments, e.g. the terminal extension and the new multilevel car parking, have been completed. Also, during the year the de-icing pad and building construction works have been completed and the construction of the new cargo building has started.

To be highlighted that in January 2020 the “Conferenza dei servizi” gave the green light to Bologna Airport Masterplan.

An increase in non-aviation revenues has also been registered, as a result of the increase in retail and advertising revenues (+6.8%), parking revenues (+5.5%), real estate revenues (+2.4%) and service to aviation passenger revenues (+10.6%).


The Group focuses on the continuous improvement of passenger service quality.

In 2019 the airport registered good performances in terms of service quality offered to the passenger. Within the framework of the Airport Service Quality programme of ACI World, Bologna’s general satisfaction level (overall satisfaction: 3.82) has slightly improved when compared to 2018.

Care Care

The importance assigned to environmental sustainability and the respect of ethical and social principles has resulted in the company’s commitment in 2019, together with other major airports members of ACI EUROPE, to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

Also, during the year a 700 sqm gym for the airport community and the customers of the Marconi Business Lounge has been realized, partnering with Technogym: the "BLQ Fitness Lounge" is the first gym in an European airport.

In 2019 the company developed an important sustainable mobility plan aimed at supporting employees in making sustainable choices regarding the daily home-work commute.

Maximise financial performance Maximise financial performance

Consolidated revenues in 2018 amounted to Euro 114 mln, increasing by 15.1% compared 2017, thanks to the positive trend registered by both Aviation (airport charges paid by passengers, airlines and airport operators) and Non-Aviation (car parking activities, retail concessionaires and services to passengers) revenues.
The growth in passengers’ traffic, the positive dynamics started with the introduction of new flights, the activities to support the aviation marginality and the tight operating cost control have contributed to the consolidated net results which amounted to Euro 17.9 mln (+10.8% compared 2017).

Performing corporation Performing corporation

In 2018, Bologna Airport developed a Corporate Performance Management project. In order to guarantee a continuous monitoring of the strategy execution, the company has developed a corporate performance management system based on indicators, defined according to targets and timing of realisation.


In 2018, 8.5 million passengers have travelled through Bologna Airport, an increase of 3.8% compared to 2017.
This growth is linked to the increase in traffic of both legacy carriers (+ 4.3%), due to the introduction of new routes and the strengthening of the existing ones, and LCC (+2.6%), primarily due to the consolidation of the main carriers.
The number of air transport movements was stable (-0.2%), while the take-off weight increases (+3.0%) as a result of larger aircraft size. The average load factor also increased to 81.3% in 2018, compared to 80.9%, registered in 2017.


In 2018, 24 mln Euro worth of investments in maintenance and infrastructure development have been realised.
Among those, the activities related to the final design of the terminal expansion project, which will allow the extension of the departure and commercial areas, have been concluded.
A significant increase in non-aviation revenues has also been registered as a consequence of the increase in parking revenue (+5.6%), retail and advertising revenue (+10.6%), real estate (+3.8%) and service to aviation passenger revenues (+10.3%).


The Group focuses on the continuous improvement of passenger service quality.
In this context, we highlight an improvement of the Customer Satisfaction Index, which increased to 98,5% in 2018, compared to 97% in 2017, and some initiatives implemented to improve the passenger experience (the new bag drop desks, the video help phone to assist PRMs and the footpath beside the terminal).

Care Care

The importance assigned to environmental sustainability and the respect of ethical and social principles are translated into investments in the new air quality monitoring system and in the construction of a “training center”, in compliance with the new EU regulation n. 139/2014 (EASA) on safety matters.

Maximise financial performance Maximise financial performance

In the financial year 2017, the Group has registered 99.1 mln € in revenues, a 9.6% increase compared to 2016. This has been possible thanks to the positive trend of both the aviation and non-aviation revenues (mainly due to parking, retail and passenger services).
The revenue growth and the tight operating cost control have determined an EBITDA of 34.2 mln €, corresponding to a 21.3% increase compared to 2016.
The increase in passenger traffic, the positive dynamics started with the introduction of new routes, the increase of frequency of already existing ones and the actions taken to support the aviation marginalization have contributed to reach, in 2017, the consolidated net income of 16.2 mln €, 41.9% higher than 2016.

Performing corporation Performing corporation

In 2017, Bologna Airport has started a project to strengthen the monitoring of actions taken to reach the main company’s targets. In order to guarantee a continuous monitoring of the strategy execution, the company has developed a corporate performance management system based on indicators, defined on the base of targets and timing of realisation.


In 2017, over 8 million passengers have travelled through Bologna Airport, an increase in 6.7% compared to 2016. This growth is linked to the increase in traffic of legacy carriers (+ 8.6%), due to the introduction of new routes and the strengthening of the existing ones.
The number of air transport movements has increased (+3.1%), as well as the take-off weight (+2.6%) as a result of larger aircraft size. The average load factor also increased to 80.9% in 2017.


In 2017, 15.5 mln € worth of investments in maintenance and infrastructure development have been realised. Among those, the activities related to the final design of the terminal expansion project, which will allow the extension of the departure and commercial areas, are close to be concluded.
A significant increase in non-aviation revenues has also been registered as a consequence of the increase in parking revenue (+6.2%), retail and advertising revenue (+11.1%) and service to aviation passenger revenues (+12.0%).


The group attaches high importance to the continuous improvement of service quality provided to passengers.
In this context, we highlight the increase in the Airport Service Quality indicator, which adds up to 3.79 in 2017 compared to 3.71 of 2016 and the initiatives implemented to improve the passenger experience and to strengthen airport operations. These include queuing and check-in areas optimisation, the creation of security lane for staff and the passengers’ business lounge upgrade.

Care Care

The importance assigned to environmental sustainability and the respect of ethical and social principles are translated into investments in the development of the new air quality monitoring system, in the new canteen service and in the construction of a “training center”, in compliance with the new EU regulation n. 139/2014 (EASA) on safety matters.

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