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Gender equality and Diversity & Inclusion

In 2022, Aeroporto di Bologna has a female workforce of 48% and a gender pay gap of 0.6% in favour of women. It is therefore an excellence in the sector.
With several projects already underway, the company's primary goal is to implement initiatives for monitoring and further reducing the gender gap: much has been done, but much still remains to be done. The local promotion of this topic beyond the airport is also of primary importance.

In 2021, AdB promoted workshops with students in secondary school classes with the aim of overcoming gender prejudices and providing students with ideas and food for thought for a more informed choice when considering studies and employment. A training project will also be launched in middle schools to disseminate technical culture among girls, to stoke interest in this environment among both boys and girls.

Training courses for 'young talents', middle managers and operational staff within the AdB Group have also been carried out on these topics. In addition, the commitment to training on environmental, social and economic sustainability issues continues through the provision of 'training snippets' and specific courses for technical figures.

Lastly, Aeroporto di Bologna is the first airport in Italy to have obtained gender equality certification in September 2022 according to Uni PdR 125:2022. Uni PdR 125 aims to support a path of cultural change in organisations and society, a change necessary to achieve improved gender equality by overcoming the stereotyped vision of roles, making better use of women's talents to stimulate the country's economic and social growth.

In the meantime, discussions have also begun in relation to international Diversity & Inclusion certification, ISO 30415:2021 - Human Resource Management - Diversity and Inclusion. No Italian airport currently has this certification, making AdB the first seeking to obtain it.

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