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Aeroporto di Bologna strongly believes in the values of sustainability as a strategic lever in the airport system's development. The company's commitment is based on three central ESG pillars: Environmental sustainability (Planet), Social sustainability (People) and Economic sustainability (Prosperity).
To help us achieve our sustainable development goals, we have implemented a Sustainability Plan that includes concrete actions to mitigate environmental impacts and protect natural resources, improve the quality of life and well-being of the surrounding community, and provide safe and inclusive workplaces.
The ambition? To create an increasingly sustainable airport for everyone: the local area, our passengers, the airport community and our partners.

AdB Sustainability plan

For us at AdB, a sustainable airport strives daily to:

  • preserve natural resources and protect biodiversity;
  • use natural resources conscientiously, apply circular economy principles and protect biodiversity;
  • concretely contribute to the fight against climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
  • improve the quality of life and well-being of the surrounding community;
  • create new job opportunities;
  • dialogue with citizens, local partners and all stakeholders;
  • offer employees a safe and inclusive workplace.

Fully in line with the commitments of the civil aviation sector, Aeroporto di Bologna has set itself the goal of neutralising its CO2 emissions by 2030, also by adhering to the international Airport Carbon Accreditation programme, and confirming this commitment by signing the Toulouse Declaration. The path undertaken by Aeroporto di Bologna has so far led it to reach Level 3 - ACA (Airport Carbon Accreditation) optimisation.
Furthermore, in 2022 AdB joined the Alliance for Zero Emissions Aviation, a voluntary association of public and private stakeholders who share the goal of planning for the possible use of electric and hydrogen-powered aircraft.

Of the numerous projects envisaged within Aeroporto di Bologna's Sustainability Plan 2022-2026, we would like to illustrate seven particularly significant ones: Air quality biomonitoring, Circular economy, Integration of bike paths, Transition to electric vehicles, Gender equality, Planting a forest area north of the airport and an Air Side north photovoltaic plant.

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