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SIGN-AIR – H-SESAR – 101114845

The SIGN-AIR project, a three-year initiative supported by the SESAR Joint Undertaking, aims to revolutionise the transport sector through an innovative solution over its duration. Through this project the consortium will create a web platform to allow Transport Service Providers of different modes to generate and monitor data sharing agreements and smart contracts and continue the efforts made in the past project SYN+AIR, which focus on air transportation and multimodality.

The platform will allow an orchestrated sharing of data in multimodal travelling, providing the possibility for Transport Service Providers (TSPs) to register, reach Data Sharing Agreements with other TSPs and manage their contractual relationships. While the SIGN-AIR platform will only manage the contractual aspects through the types of data offered by the TSPs, the TSPs will continue managing their data and the one of their customers.

With the European Union gradually imposing regulations to standardise and harmonise data standards across member states, as an added value, the SIGN-AIR platform will provide a number of advantages and services to the stakeholders of multimodal travel for the B2B2C chain through the analysis and exploitation of the contracts:

  • templates for contracts to simplify the legal management;
  • electronic management and information provision about each specific contract;
  • routing information for Travel Companions (TCs) with enriched information about the specific contracts for their traveller customers and facilitation of single ticketing through the comprehensive understanding of the contract and the data managed, among others.

The whole concept will be moved from TPL2, reached by mother project SYN-AIR, to TRL7. This will be done with an intensive evolution of the software and a continuous evaluation and piloting of the software with different important stakeholders that are present in the consortium. The development of the software will generate a Minimum Valuable Product in the first 12 months of the project and, in parallel, it will be piloted and improved through continuous development of the technologies in the following 21 months, reaching a TRL7 platform in month 33 of the project.
As the SIGN-AIR project begins, it marks a new era of multimodality and collaborative efforts towards seamless mobility. The project intends to make a significant impact on the transportation landscape, paving the way for a future where citizens can easily navigate multimodal journeys, experience seamless services, and enjoy a more efficient and streamlined multimodal transportation system.


  • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya – Coordinator - ES
  • Sparsity Technologies – ES
  • Univerzitet u Beogradu – RS
  • Aethon Engineering – EL
  • Ecole National de l’Aviation Civile – FR
  • European Passesngers’ Federation – BE
  • CARNET – Findacio Innovacio e Tecnologia UPC – ES
  • Time Lex – BE
  • Autoritat del Transport Metropolitan – ES
  • Smart Tucketing Alliance – BE
  • Aeroporto di Bologna – IT
  • TPER Trasporto Passeggeri Emilia-Romagna – IT
  • Agrupacio de Municipis Regio Barcelona – ES
  • Franck Dumortier Juriste – BE
  • Ydroplana Elladas – EL
  • Swiss Aeropole – CH


  • Duration: June 1st, 2023 – May 31th, 2026
  • Budget: Costs € 424.875 (general costs included) – Contribution € 297.412,50 (funded 70%)

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