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Vision, Mission & Strategy


Our Vision

The route development opportunities together with the ground transport network expansion could make Bologna Airport an ideal air to ground gateway not only for outgoing but also for incoming passengers


Our Mission

Bologna Airport to be recognized by passengers as an ideal gateway thanks to its rich destination network, the ease of access from the wider region and the high quality of its facilities and services.

Obiettivi strategici

Strategic objectives

The Group’s strategic objectives which underlie the development of all operations are outlined below. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the Group has inevitably been forced to concentrate on managing first the emergency, then the subsequent crisis. This continues to have profound effects on air transport and the airport sector, the industry which has been hardest hit. 2021 therefore was a year of transition towards recovery and with a new focus on the following strategic objectives:



The Group seeks to maintain a varied range of flight offerings suited to various types of users by adding to the number of airlines operating out of the airport, while continuing to maintain good margins also on the new traffic generated. In terms of traffic development, the Group targets the adding of routes, with the introduction of new Eastern and long-haul destinations, while boosting frequencies to existing destinations. The Group also focuses on improving airport accessibility, through the development of ground connections and the expansion of its catchment area.



The investments outlined in the Master Plan and Regulatory Agreement are fundamental to the development of the Group's business. The strategy in question calls for an efficient use of the existing infrastructure's capacity and modular implementation of new investments to ensure that infrastructure capacity keeps pace with expected traffic development. The passenger terminal expansion project is a key part of the infrastructure development plan, permitting the development of - in particular - the security control areas and the boarding gates, in addition to extending dedicated commercial space.



The Group is focused on ensuring the constant improvement of the services offered to airport users in its fields of operation, both directly and indirectly, while also constantly improving its standards of security, quality and respect for the environment. In order to support and improve all aspects of operations and generate Customer loyalty, the Group considers it key to develop a culture of innovation which revolves around the installation of technology that facilitates greater interaction with passengers and optimises the airport travelling experience.



The Group is committed to all aspects of sustainability, ranging from those of an environmental nature to compliance with ethical and social principles, in view of the important role which Bologna airport plays as a vital hub for the region. The Group also strives to develop those who work at the Airport and build an organisation which responds to the evolving demands of the market and which supports the individual in their work.

The Group has also identified two guidelines transversal to the above strategic goals, which represent a continuous point of reference for company business:

Maximise financial performance

Maximise financial performance

The Group is focused on consistently improving the financial performance and on ensuring an adequate return for shareholders.

Performing and sustainable corporation

Performing and sustainable corporation

The Group aims to improve the efficiency and efficacy of its processes and internal structure, with a view to improving company performance and development, while paying increasing attention to sustainability in its environmental, social and governance components.

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