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Assistenza ai passeggeri sordi – Servizio Tellis

Inclusivity and client focus. This is the goal of Bologna Airport with Tellis, the assistance service dedicated to deaf passengers that will be active from June 2022.

The service allows deaf passengers to communicate with airport operators through a remotely connected interpreter qualified in LIS (Italian Sign Language) translation, both for telephone assistance and for on-site assistance for deaf people, even without an appointment.

The Tellis service can be enabled free of charge and independently by the passenger: for phone calls, by logging onto the Marconi website in the "Special assistance" section or from the Tellis website or app of the same name, in the Tellis Free Access section. It can also be enabled at the airport by means of a special tablet on the TecnoADIL device in the Information Office, a tool that is also useful for hearing-impaired persons.

Tellis has been implemented in collaboration with "Service & Work", a social cooperative in Ravenna that works with the Ente Nazionale Sordi (ENS) Onlus - APS Consiglio Regionale Emilia-Romagna, with the support of Confcooperative Romagna.

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