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23/11/2021 Bologna Airport has obtained Level 3 accreditation - Optimization as part of the international program "Airport Carbon Accreditation", the certification promoted by ACI Europe (the European association of airport operators) aimed at airport management companies that intend to pursue “carbon neutrality” objectives or neutralize CO2 emissions under airport’s direct control through energy efficiency programs and use of renewable energy sources.

The "Airport Carbon Accreditation" project, in which Marconi participated since 2009, first with the recognition of Level 1 - Mapping and up to now with Level 2 - Reduction, currently has 182 airports in Europe, 98 in America, 60 in Asia and 22 in Africa.

In the European Level 3 group, to which Bologna Airport now belongs, there are airports of primary importance such as: Frankfurt, Munich, Madrid, Barcelona, London Heathrow and the three Paris airports.

Marconi airport was admitted with the following motivation: "in recognition of the airport’s exemplary work in reducing CO2 emissions and engaging other stakeholders to do the same, as part of the Global airport industry's response to the challenge of Climate Change".

"This important recognition - commented the CEO of Bologna Airport Nazareno Ventola - it is an important, but not conclusive, step in our decarbonisation process and confirms that we are working in the right direction in terms of sustainability and respect for the environment, even in a period conditioned by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Of course we don't want to stop here, so we will continue to work with the aim of becoming "carbon neutral" as soon as possible".

In particular, over the last 5 years Bologna Airport reduced by 38.8% CO2 emissions under airport’s direct control  (the reduction was 25% in the 2015-2019 period, before the pandemic). The implementation of efficiency measures, combined with cogeneration and the production of energy with photovoltaic systems, has also allowed an annual saving in electricity consumption of 5 million kWh, equal to 2,380 tons of CO2.

Furthermore, in 2020, the Bologna Airport purchased electricity coming 100% from renewable sources and offset the emissions produced by the combustion of the natural gas consumed by 50%, through economic support for international projects to reduce or absorb gas with greenhouse effect.

For the next few years, the company is working on the design and construction of important environmental compensation works including a wooded area north of the runway, the installation of new photovoltaic systems, further energy efficiency of the existing lighting and air conditioning systems and activation of partnerships for the development of innovative solutions in the field of energy transition in the airport industry.

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